What is Works Manager Online?
Works Manager Online serves two major purposes. The first is as a public engagement blog through which the Department of Logistics and Supply, Works Section, of the Nigeria Police Force can engage effectively with the public to educate, sensitise and, above all get valuable feedback from stakeholders on the impact of the services the department provides. The second is as a project monitoring tool specifically for management and project supervisory staff of the department, and the Force in general, to effectively monitor the progress of infrastructure projects across the various commands nationwide by transmitting information (pictures, videos, documents) over the Internet.
Technically, Works Manager Online is a website application designed for the Department of Logistics and Supply - Works (DLS - Works) of the Nigeria Police force to assist in monitoring the progress of all the building construction, building rehabilitation and other infrastructure procurement contracts being carried out in all the formations of the Nigeria Police Force. In simple terms, works officers and project supervisors can submit reports, consisting of pictures and videos, to the website via the internet, from any site in the country. Reports supported include, progress reports, site reports, land status reports, incident reports and investigation reports. The reports types is easily extensible to accomodate future expansion due to procedural and legal changes.
Works Manager Online works with live contracts (contracts that have been awarded), and is designed to capture progress of each contract from the time the contractor moves to site till the contract is completed. The contract information is uploaded to the website immediately after award from the flagship desktop application, Works Manager, maintained by DLS since 2005 to manager contracts information. Progress reports on the uploaded contracts details can then be submitted to the website from a laptop, desktop computer, ipad and even a smart phone, from the site immediately after inspection.
Works Manager Online is built with WordPress, a popular content management (CMS) system, and is hosted on cloud infrastructure to ensure scalability and robustness of the application.
The core features are highlighted in the section below.

Contracts Databank
A blog list of the details of all ongoing contracts, with details including the contractor, location of the contract (zone, command, state and local government), the works officer responsible for their top level supervision and the contract value.
Reports Databank
A blog list of all submitted progress and status reports on all the contracts uploaded to the website.
Contracts Search Engine
An efficient search engine for filtering contracts details depending on your preferences. It provides the ability to define your search criteria based on individual or a combination of the following terms LotNo, Contract Year, Contract Type, Zone, Command, State and Local Government.
Reports Search Engine
An efficient search engine for filtering reports based on LotNo, Report Year, Contract Year and Report Type.
Unified Contract - Reports View
Each contract is linked with its related reports, pictures and videos from a single point, the contract's details post.
From the contract's details post, you can easily navigate through all the reports submitted on the contract, including all the attached pctures, videos, and electronic documents, present as table list and sliders
Submission of Reports
Reports on progress and status of contracts are submitted through predefined form templates.
Templates included are Monthly Progress, Site, Interim, Incident, Investigation, Completion, Land Acquisition and Special Visits report templates.
User's Contracts Profile
Presents a page to the registered user showing the zones and commands assigned to the user and all the contracts under these locations that the user is authorised to supervise (i.e. granted access to submit progress and status reports).
The user can view (and navigate) directly to the contracts in the zones and commands that they have been assigned. This hugely simplifies locating the contracts that the user is authorised to monitor and supervise.
Public Engagement: the Blog
Maintains a blog for engaging with the public. DLS can engage with the public by submitting posts on latest activities, bulletins and upcoming events to the public to follow, just like it is done on any other blog in the social media space. Live chat with visitors is also supported.
Site-Wide Archives
A custom archives view that brings together all the site content in one dedicated page. It provides a panoramic view of the site's content by presenting the standard blog archives, contracts details archives and reports archives based on categories and tags and including statistical counts of the number of posts.
User Registration, Activation, Login/Logout, User Profile
The administration controls user registration. Users a registered with a username, email and a password and must be activated through their email account for security reasons.
Successfully activated users can login and logout through the login form on the sidebar present on almost all the pages served by the site. A user can view his/her profile and change password or display name only; username and email cannot be changed by the user once activated.
User Management
Leveraging on WordPress's security model, Work Manager Online has a flexible user management protocol.
The administrator controls user registration since visitors to the site are not allowed to register themselves.
The administrator can further assign a user to a zone, a command or a combination of both; thereby explicitly granting the user the authority to submit reports online on the group of contracts located in the zone(s) and command(s).
Operational Data
Populates databank with predefined phrases and terms to be used as options\choices on the report template forms.
Included are facility for defining phrases and terms for land staus, site status, site issues, incidents, recommendations and description of works.
Navigating around this site
Navigating around this site can be done in 2 ways; (1) by selecting and clicking options on the menu bar at the top(header) of the page in view OR (2) by clicking the preferred link on the menu list on the right sidebar (if displayed) on the page in view.
The footer at the bottom (footer) of each page also contains links to content of interest such as Archives, About Us and Contact Us features of the site.
Navigation routes shown for each card, or content section, on this page depict naviation via the menu bar at the top of the page in view.
Screenshots Gallery and Slideshow
To learn more about Works Manager Online, click any link below and cycle through the screenshots or read the documentation.
Gallery has 25 screenshots

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Team Member

Team Member

Team Member

Team Member

Team Member

Team Member