F-180112: 2018: Construction of 1No. 4-Man Rank & File Quarters (Bungalow Type) with Concrete Fascia and Construction of 50 Linear Meter Block Wall Fence with Gates at New Area Command Office Gumel, Jigawa State

Construction of 1No. 4-Man Rank & File Quarters (Bungalow Type) with Concrete Fascia and Construction of 50 Linear Meter Block Wall Fence with Gates at New Area Command Office Gumel, Jigawa State awarded to Messrs. MAI JAKKA & CO. NIG. ENTR. LTD.: Details :Nil

Contract Value: =N=49,989,990.00;
Year: 2018;
Awardee: FHQ; Zone: Zone 1; Command: Jigawa; State: Jigawa; LGA: GUMEL; Site: GUMEL.; Contractor: Messrs. MAI JAKKA & CO. NIG. ENTR. LTD.;
Coordinator: SANNI;