LOT F-250: 2005: Construction of 1No. Abuja Type II Police Station at Goronyo in Sokoto State.

Construction of 1No. Abuja Type II Police Station at Goronyo in Sokoto State. awarded to Messrs. May Day Enterprises Ltd: Details :

Contract Value: =N=10,005,750.50;
Year: 2005;
Awardee: FHQ; Zone: ZONE 10; Command: Sokoto; State: Sokoto; LGA: LAGOS ISLAND; Site: Not Specified; Contractor: Messrs. May Day Enterprises Ltd;
Coordinator: Oyeniyi;

1 reports available below, both on slides and as links. Click any to view.

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Report(s) links list.
1: Land Acquisition Report (LDR): LOT F-250: 2005: Construction of 1No. Abuja Type II Police Station at Goronyo in Sokoto State.: LotNo LOTF250; 2005
