2018 POLICE ANNUAL REPORT DEPARTMENT OF LOGISTICS & SUPPLY THE NIGERIA POLICE FORCE HEADQUARTERS, ABUJA INTRODUCTION: The Department is a mix of technical, business and administrative concerns of the entire Nigeria Police Force. It comprises the following Sections: a. Administration; b. The Works Section of the Department derives its power under section 188 (1) of Police Acts and Regulations thus – Erection of specified permanent and semi permanent buildings for the Force; The Maintenance of Force Builindings; and The administration of Force Buildings; c. Co-operative Society (a mini Micro – Finance institution); d. Quartermaster (purchasing, sewing and distribution of Police uniforms and Accountrement); e. Procurement; f. Investment; g. Works Section (Annex) Lagos; h. Nigeria Police Force Property Development Construction Company (NPFPDCC) i. Works Okesuna maintenance Yard; j. Police Housing Estate; k. Board of Survey & Enquiry (Boarded equipment and management). The Departments and the technological and technical requirements are therefore as wide and varied to enable its workforce perform at optimum capacity. Between June, 2016 and October 2018, the Department was headed by DIG Maigari A. Dikko, fdc, and now DIG Agboola Oshodi-Glover, mni from October, 2018 till date..
Status of land: Land Suitable,Rain forest,Under dispute