F-180118: 2018: Rehabilitation of 1No. 8-Man Rank & File Quarters at Owu-Ijebu, Ogun State.

Rehabilitation of 1No. 8-Man Rank & File Quarters at Owu-Ijebu, Ogun State. awarded to Messrs. Rigomich Integrated Company Ltd.: Details :Nil

Contract Value: =N=28,085,430.45;
Year: 2018;
Awardee: FHQ; Zone: Zone 2; Command: Ogun; State: Ogun; LGA: IJEBU-EAST; Site: OWU-IJEBU; Contractor: Messrs. Rigomich Integrated Company Ltd.;
Coordinator: AKINYELE;

1 reports available below, both on slides and as links. Click any to view.

Report(s) on slider.

Report(s) links list.
1: Monthly Progress Report (PRG): Rehabilitation of 1No. 8-Man Rank & File Quarters at Owu-Ijebu, Ogun State.: LotNo F180118; 2018
