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Edit an existing post

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If an existing post has an Edit link on the blog list (or within the post itself), it means you are authorized to edit the contents of the post.

  • Click the Edit link, make the changes you want. You can change/add to the categories, tags, featured image and the content as appropriate.
  • Publish it by clicking the Publish button at the top right of the editing environment.
Make a Post Featured

While editing the post, you may want make it a featured post, that is put it in a prominent section/location to attract users attention.

  • Check the box labeled Featured this post at the bottom of the editing environment.
Make a Post Sticky

Also, while editing the post, you may want to make it sticky, that is, making it prominent always by placing on top of the blog list.

  • Check the box labeled Stick to the top of the blog at the top of the right sidebar of the editing environment.