Self Help Documentation

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Submit Investigation Report

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  • Navigation: Works Manager Online => Contracts.
  • Note: You may search for, or locate, the contract by the several means discussed in previous chapters
  1. Select the contract of interest.
  2. Enter the contract post by clicking the title link or the Continue Reading button.
  3. Click the button labeled Click here to select a form, fill it and submit. Options will appear below!
  4. Examine the tab displaying the various report templates that are available.
  5. Select Investigation on the tab.
  6. Patiently, enter relevant information in the fields on the form.
  1. Report Title
  2. Give details of your investigations
  3. Milestones/Work done.
  4. Your assessment and recommendations.
  5. Give any other details you feel necessary to help decision making.
  6. Select pictures, if any, to upload with your report.
  7. Select one (only)of your pictures to feature on your report
  8. Select videos to upload, if any, with your report.
  9. Select written reports, if any, with your report
  1. After completing your entries, review your entries. To assist in determining that you have supplied the required information, you are required to tick the checkboxes at the end of form.
  • Click Submit Report.
  • You will be notified on success of failure of the submission.
  • If you refresh the page, the report will appear on the slider and as a link on the list below the slider.  